You might think that residential crimes don’t happen very often so you don’t need to have your home protected, but our team from Smart Vision Plus is here today to tell you that your home should always have a home security system in Toronto set up. Your home should be protected so that it does not become a target and so you don’t risk endangering your family or property. Today we have five facts about burglary to share with you that will emphasize why you need home security. 

The Burglars Profile 

Did you know that 90% of all burglaries take place in residential areas? More often, robbers work close to home, usually about a block or two away from where they live.  

This means that the people who you see on a regular basis around your neighbourhood are the ones who could be watching your every move and casing your home. Break-ins are additionally usually from inexperienced individuals who are dangerous and desperate. 

How Often They Occur 

Statistics show that around 500 burglaries happen in Canada every day which translates to roughly one every 2 to 3 minutes. This rate is actually quite high if you think about it and it displays the importance of why home security is so important. As well, on average a break-in can happen in less than 60 seconds and a robber could be in your home for several minutes going through your items. 

Summer Months are Popular 

It may surprise you to know that between the months of June and August are when the most break-ins happen. On average they rise almost 10% between this time. Most times, they happen between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm when burglars can expect an empty house. 

Rural Vs. Urban 

You might think that crime and burglary have higher rates in the city but studies have actually shown the opposite. Homes in rural areas are actually more likely to be broken into as a result of increased unemployment rates and higher poverty rates. 

The Good News 

As a result of technological advances, burglaries are on the decline overall, and robbery has become less common in recent years as more people are securing their homes with security cameras, systems, and smart home systems. When a criminal walks past a home with security cameras set up, they will be deterred from breaking into that home. 

How We Can Help 

Knowing who burglars are, how often they occur, when they occur, and where they occur are all important pieces of information to know. And since you never know when a burglar might strike, it’s important that your home is equipped to handle a break-in at any time.  

Modern systems from Smart Vision Plus offer 24/7 monitoring and high-quality systems that can protect your home and loved ones when you are away. If you are interested in getting a quote for our residential security services in Toronto, you can reach our team today at 1-833-880-4591.